I have set myself a challenge: to change something in my life each week for a year, so I can
limit MY impact on the human and physical environment whilst living a regular life in the city.
Please help me by adding a comment with ideas and hints!

Sunday, 30 January 2011

The wheels on the bus go...

Friendly bus drivers, such a change from the grumpy ones in London. Must be all the sun we get here. My first day taking the bus went very well, my mother-in-law even stalked me and took some photos, she is such a cutie for loving me so much. It seems quite an event to take public transport here! I also enjoyed the air conditioned coach and the quiet morning trip - allowed me to read a book on my journey. How relaxing!

Saturday, 29 January 2011

round and round... all day long

I am setting out to travel by bus to work. I already horrified so many Aussies, who asked me WHY WOULD YOU CHOOSE TO DO THIS?? or do you not have ANY other options. I didn't think it was a big deal when I decided to try.

There is an obvious downgrade from the oysters I used in London and it seems the buses aren't AS often. A few issues with the staff not sure of ticketing etc. I take my first trip on Monday morning.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Captain Planet

It's Australia day today and a sweltering 33°C with 83% humidity. I have opted to spend most of my day under the ceiling fan with the air con blasting. I need to find a greener way to keep cool!

I have already been at work on my challenge for three weeks and have successfully started a veggie/herb garden, made more than 10 items of clothing, bought and collected used items instead of buying new, and used my legs as transport.

Question: Is "heart" the most uncool Captain Planet power? (Question courtesy of Jess)